Find the Best Free Retirement Calculators for Your Retirement Planning

Last updated: September 10th, 2023
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This is a Retirement Calculator

Based on the inputs, you will need to save:

What are the Best Free Retirement Calculators?

Taking deliberate action to plan for your retirement will help you reach your financial goals and ensure a secure future for you and your family. One of the best ways to start planning is to calculate your retirement expenses. Retirement calculators, either online or through a financial advisor, are powerful tools to help you estimate the costs of a comfortable retirement. There are many free calculators available for those looking to plan for retirement and save money. Here are some of the best options for keeping track of your retirement savings.

Fidelity Retirement Score

Fidelity Investments' Retirement Score is a free online calculator that assigns a score based on how prepared you are for retirement. It can provide an estimate of how much to save before retirement and even suggest an ideal asset allocation. The Retirement Score will assess your overall retirement outlook and risk profile, then generate a personalized financial plan for you. This calculator is excellent for those who are just starting to save for retirement, as well as those in the middle of their retirement planning.

AARP Retirement Calculator

The AARP Retirement Calculator is another great tool for estimating future savings. This calculator can factor in many variables, including income, debts, Social Security benefits, and other sources of retirement income. It can also provide specific advice on steps to take to ensure financial security in retirement. The calculator is reputable, simple to use, and free of charge.

US News & World Report Retirement Calculator

The US News and World Report has an online retirement calculator that can help you determine how much you need to save before retirement. This calculator takes into account the retirement cost of living adjustments, current savings and income, and other factors. It is robust and user-friendly, permitting you to adjust your retirement savings plan from the comfort of your own home.

Bankrate Retirement Calculator

The Bankrate Retirement Calculator is a great choice for those who want to take control of their retirement finances. This calculator is a comprehensive retirement budget calculator that can provide an estimate of your annual retirement expenses, Social Security benefits, and other sources of income. It takes into account all of these factors and provides a detailed analysis of your retirement income.

Vanguard Retirement Nest Egg Calculator

Vanguard's Retirement Nest Egg Calculator is an effective retirement savings calculator for those who are just getting started with retirement planning. This calculator provides an estimate of what your retirement savings will look like over time, and allows you to adjust your retirement savings plan as you age. It also takes into account tax rates, average inflation, and other economic factors.

Retirement Income Calculator by Financial Engines

The Retirement Income Calculator from Financial Engines is a helpful tool for those who are looking to run an in-depth analysis of their retirement savings. This calculator can provide an estimate of your retirement expenses, including taxes, inflation, and other economic factors. It also has a detailed analysis of your Social Security benefits, Medicare coverage, and other sources of retirement income.

What Else to Consider When Using a Retirement Calculator?

When planning for retirement, it is important to consider other factors beyond just saving. Retirement calculators can be a great starting point but they should not be used in lieu of financial planning with a professional advisor. Financial advisors can provide a comprehensive review of your retirement savings plan and can provide customized advice on how to optimize your savings and investments. They can also help you to develop strategies for reducing taxes and increasing your retirement income. Professional advice can also provide peace of mind knowing that your retirement savings plan has been properly designed to meet your financial goals.


When you are creating a retirement savings plan, the best option is to consult a professional financial advisor. However, using a free retirement calculator can be a great starting point if you are looking to plan for retirement. Many free calculators are available including the Fidelity Retirement Score, AARP Retirement Calculator, US News & World Report Retirement Calculator, Bankrate Retirement Calculator, Vanguard Retirement Nest Egg Calculator, and Retirement Income Calculator by Financial Engines. Consider all of these options when you are planning for retirement and choosing the best free calculator for you.

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